MHA Monahans

MHA Monahans has developed a web-based business valuation calculator to help business owners to estimate the value of their business. Its free to use and it provides valuation estimate based on few straight forward questions and recent accounts and income details.

How to use?

First, enter the basic numerical information from the most recent accounts, including profit, taxes and depreciation and/or amortisation.

MHA Monahans business valuation calculator recent accounts
MHA Monahans business valuation calculator – input the basic numerical information from the most recent accounts


After inputting your accounting information, you will be asked some basic questions regarding to your management and customer base.

MHA Monahans business valuation calculator: basic questions
MHA Monahans business valuation calculator – answers some basic questions


And then few questions about your assets and liabilities.

MHA Monahans business valuation calculator: assets and liablities
MHA Monahans business valuation calculator – input the some information about assets and liablities


Finally, the tool gives you and estimate of your Enterprise Value.

MHA Monahans business valuation calculator: the valuation estimate
MHA Monahans business valuation calculator – get the valuation estimate


  • Easy and straight forward to use
  • Gives a very superficial valuation estimate
Pricing information
  • Free
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