MassMutual provides a free very simple company valuation calculator. The aim of the calculator is to give only a general idea of the total business value. The calculation is based on net book value (BV) of the company.
Reliability — MassMutual will assume no liability for the reliance on its calculator. Instead, it advises to contact its consultants to get a more reliable valuation. It provides local consulting services in US but any customer can contact them by phone or email.
Comprehensiveness — MassMutual informs that the calculator is not comprehensive and therefore recommends contacting its financial professionals.
Ease of use — Calculator is very easy of use. It requires only four inputs.
Report depth — A report gives a total estimated business value and an estimate of how much it could cost for your business partner to buy out your share of business.
Price — Calculator is free, but you can get more comprehensive valuation by using its consulting services.
How to use?
You are only required to input owner’s salaries, business profit, net book values and your share of ownership to the calculator. The calculator is a self-helped tool and you will be advised only by giving examples.
The calculator requires only four inputs
Results gives a total estimated business value and an estimate of how much it could cost for your business partner to buy out your share of business.